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Product updates summary - Q4 2023

Release log of highlights from Q4 2023

Carly Hammond avatar
Written by Carly Hammond
Updated over 11 months ago


  • In this article, we summarise key product updates released in Q4 2023

  • These include:

    • Operations Module launched

    • Reorganisation of User data - Team Module deprecated

    • Metric template library launched

    • Templated connections/integrations for AI added

    • Pages (dashboards) cached for instant loading

Who is this article for?

  • All Planhat users


Article contents


Here at Planhat, we have a culture of continuous improvement, and we update Planhat frequently.

The aim of this article series is not to detail every single release, but more to give you a high-level overview of some of the key customer-facing updates - functionality changes you'll see in the UI.

Our Developers also often make improvements to elements in the "backend" - infrastructure/architecture - to enhance performance (e.g. make things load extra quickly, or be even more robust/reliable). We are not going to list these updates here.

October 2023

Pages (dashboards) cached for instant loading

πŸ“ Details

  • When you first view a Page (dashboard) in the Customer Intelligence Module, it will load from scratch, and then save that view. Planhat will automatically build that Page each day for 7 days after you've visited it. When you go to view the Page, it will then instantly display the previously built cache, for super speed

  • If you would like the Page to load the live widgets (charts) rather than displaying the last cache, just click "EXPLORE"

  • If a Page is updated, the cache will be automatically rebuilt so all other Users with caches see the latest version

  • The Page will state when it was last built/cached

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • If you have complex Pages with a lot of widgets, they may take a little while to load if built from scratch. With this feature, you can view your Pages right away

  • Whenever you need to see live data (e.g. if you have just added new data you'd like to see reflected right away), you can do this on demand

Calculated Metric logs

πŸ“ Details

  • You can now track Calculated Metric builds similar to how you can track Automation runs

  • Go to the "LOGS" tab of the Calculated Metric slideout to see when your metric last built, whether it succeeded, how long the build took, and more

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This gives you visibility into your Calculated Metrics, including if there were any issues

Disable all notifications for a User (team member)

πŸ“ Details

  • It's possible, as an admin, to disable all notifications for a specific User (team member) via the User property/field "Enable notifications"

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This can be useful for new Users you've added to Planhat (e.g. to select as the Account Owner or Account Executive etc.) but who aren't using Planhat (yet)

  • When you add new Users you can choose whether notifications are enabled or not, but if you added someone with notifications enabled and now want to disable then, you can now use this method

Metric trace

πŸ“ Details

  • For all metrics (so that's Calculated Metrics, but also raw time-series data - System Metrics, Custom Metrics and User Activities), the slideout now contains a "TRACE" tab that displays all locations where the metric is referenced/used - in Pages, Data Module table preferences, Health Score Profiles, Success Units, and so on. These are displayed clearly in sections

  • Also, before removing a metric, a prompt will now warn you if that metric is referenced elsewhere

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This gives you better visibility of where your metrics are used, and if you are considering removing one you can make a fully informed decision

Customise your NPS reminder email subject

πŸ“ Details

  • There is a new field in the "Introduction" section of NPS campaign settings called "Reminder subject", which is shown if reminders are turned on for the campaign

  • By default, it takes subject of the NPS campaign and adds a "[Reminder]" prefix to it, but this can be customised to whatever you like

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This is perfect if you would like different messaging in your NPS reminders - e.g. if you want to adjust the wording to enhance response rate

November 2023

Operations Module launched

πŸ“ Details

  • Automations, integrations and connections, which were previously in different places within Planhat, have been brought together in one place

  • The Operations Module is split into 2 tabs: "AUTOMATE" (the same as the previous "Automation Station") and "INTEGRATE" (combined integrations and connections)

  • The "INTEGRATE" tab includes native integrations (integrations with a custom UI pre-built and supported by Planhat, such as for Salesforce and Zendesk), templated connections/integrations (partly pre-configured by Planhat, such as those for cloud storage providers), and fully custom connections/integrations that you can use to connect to your choice of apps

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • Integrations are a fantastic way for you to import data into Planhat, so you have a full 360 degree view of your customers, and can display and analyse all data in context. You can also sync data insights from Planhat back to other tools you may use

  • Automations are one of the ways you can automatically take action on your data within Planhat, driving efficient and effective action. They relate to integrations because they can be used to perform actions in combination with connections

  • In this update, we bring together these operational features in one place for your convenience, and it's even easier to sync and act on your data

Click the images to view them enlarged

Reorganisation of User model - Team Module deprecated

πŸ“ Details

  • Instead of the Team Module, there are now two specialised places for data on Users (these are your team members, as opposed to End Users, who are your customers)

    • "Team" settings accessed by putting your mouse over your avatar (initial/photo) in the bottom-left of your Planhat tenant; this has tabs for "Users", "Roles" and "Teams"

    • "Users" tab in the Data Module - this was announced previously

  • The Team Module has now been deprecated - clicking there will give you links and guidance for the two new locations

  • Two new permissions have been added (in "workflow permissions - features"): "Team management" and "User list" - these are easy to enable/disable for different roles

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • The team settings are designed for admins managing Users in the Planhat platform - activating, deactivating, setting 2-factor authentication, and assigning roles (permissions) and teams

  • The Users tab in the Data Module is particularly great for managers to track the portfolio and performance of their teams. Here you can analyse the User model like you would other Planhat models - from filters to Formula Fields

Click the images to view them enlarged

Metric template library launched

πŸ“ Details

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • Calculated Metrics are a really powerful way for you to analyse raw data for customer insights, but their formulas can get a little complicated. With this customisable template library, you can very easily create calculated metrics such as week-on-week percentage growth

  • You might not want every possible System Metric to be shown in your tenant, so here you can take your pick - choose from "Number of End Users", "CSM Score", "Tasks Overdue", and many other data points to track over time

Click the images to view them enlarged

Calculated Metric availability options

πŸ“ Details

  • For each Calculated Metric, you can now choose its availability in Planhat, in the "DETAILS" tab of the metric slideout

  • "Availability in Planhat" affects whether it's available in places such as filters, Automations, Health Scores, Workflows, Formula Fields and so on

  • Here you can also specify whether the Calculated Metric should be "featured" and therefore show on Company and End User Profiles

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • You may choose to restrict availability in some cases to streamline views in your tenant and reduce unnecessary data processing

Email engagement for "transactional emails"

πŸ“ Details

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • Transactional emails are great for sending a high volume of automated emails without reaching Gmail/Outlook limits, so you can easily share information at scale

  • Examining click/open rates enables you to analyse the performance of your outreach strategies

Templated connections/integrations for AI

πŸ“ Details

  • It's now easy for you to connect OpenAI, Azure Cognitive Services or PaLM 2 with Planhat

  • These templated connections/integrations are available via the new "AI" category in the "INTEGRATE" tab of the Operations Module

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • You can now connect to your AI tool of choice. This could be used for content generation, such as writing a custom message or summary

Same field name on different data models

πŸ“ Details

  • Previously, field names needed to be unique across your Planhat tenant; now, you can use the same field name as long as it's on a different data model (e.g. on Company, End User or License etc.)

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This gives you more flexibility when creating custom fields on different models (e.g. on Company, End User or License etc.)

December 2023

Remove raw time-series (metric) data for a specified date range

πŸ“ Details

  • For time-series data (metrics), you can now delete data for a specific timeframe, rather than deleting all data and resending everything

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

New "Calendar sync" permission

πŸ“ Details

  • The "Calendar sync" gives the option to sync calendars

  • This permission has been added to the "workflow permissions - features" section (available both for the whole tenant and for individual roles), to be used alongside the existing "Email sync" permission

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This is a security enhancement, adding extra flexibility and granularity in permissions

Further reading

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