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Product updates summary - Q2 2023

Release log of highlights from Q2 2023

Carly Hammond avatar
Written by Carly Hammond
Updated over 11 months ago


  • In this article, we summarise key product updates released in Q2 2023

  • These include:

    • Metrics moved to the Data Module - additional functionality

    • Salesforce error notifications

    • Shortcuts for grouping and filtering in the Data Module

    • Launch of the BigQuery integration

Who is this article for?

  • All Planhat users


Article contents


Here at Planhat, we have a culture of continuous improvement, and we update Planhat frequently.

The aim of this article series is not to detail every single release, but more to give you a high-level overview of some of the key customer-facing updates - functionality changes you'll see in the UI.

Our Developers also often make improvements to elements in the "backend" - infrastructure/architecture - to enhance performance (e.g. make things load extra quickly, or be even more robust/reliable). We are not going to list these updates here.

April 2023

Fiscal quarter and fiscal year aggregations in Page widgets

πŸ“ Details

  • You can now aggregate time-series widgets ("Trend Charts") in Pages by "fiscal quarter" and "fiscal year"

  • This uses the setting "Fiscal year starts" within "General Settings"

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This is great if you think in terms of fiscal quarters/years rather than calendar quarter/years, as you can make your Trend Charts show your chosen data for greater insights

Inline/bulk edit "Grouped View" property

πŸ“ Details

  • You can now inline edit or bulk edit the field being used for Grouped View in data tables

  • This means you can categorise your data quickly into clear groups, and freely edit any property you want to group on

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • For example, you could set grouping based on a property you want to edit, and get organising - e.g. you could group by Company Owner, and then assign "Unassigned" Companies

  • You're now free to group on any field, regardless of whether it's dynamic and needs to be editable - such as CSM Score

New text editor for Pages

πŸ“ Details

  • There is now enhanced functionality for text boxes in Pages (dashboards) - both Canvas and Presentation style - and rich text fields

  • For further details, see here

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • Now it's easier to design clear text for titles and instructions etc. in your Pages

Launch of the BigQuery integration

πŸ“ Details

  • Our BigQuery integration is now publicly available, for usage data specifically

  • Note: this was later expanded to include CRM data too

  • To read more about our BigQuery integration, see here

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • If you're storing time-series data in BigQuery, you can now easily sync it into Planhat as User Activities and Custom Metrics

  • Once in Planhat, you can perform analysis on this data, including in the context of other data types, and act in response to the data

May 2023

Add or delete multipicklist values using Automations

πŸ“ Details

  • We've added array options in Automations - you can now "add" and "delete" multipicklist values, as well as the previously available "replace"

  • This functionality is now also available for array properties via the Planhat API

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This means instead of always replacing the previous values, you can now classify records (e.g. End Users, Issues and Assets) in a much more versatile way

  • An example is the stakeholder mapping use case: add a tag to an End User when their usage spikes, or when they get involved in a certain type of conversation, and so on

  • This can also be super useful for flagging which products a customer has

"Contains" filtering for text and rich text fields

πŸ“ Details

  • Text and rich text fields have had additional filter options added: you can now filter on "contains" or "does not contain"

  • The functionality also extends to advanced search

  • It is case insensitive

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • Typical use cases include:

    • Show me NPS responses that contain the word "product"

    • Filter where the product name contains "Plus"

Percentages in Pie and Doughnut Charts

πŸ“ Details

  • You can now show percentages on Pie and Doughnut Charts (widgets for Pages) - display the % each segment corresponds to

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This makes it quicker and easier to gain insights from your data - typically when using these Share Charts it's the relative proportions you want to see

Option for colour-coded NPS surveys

πŸ“ Details

  • You can now optionally enable colour coding for NPS scoring in your tenant

  • A Planhat staff member can set this for you

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This can be useful to make it clearer to your customers which scores are considered bad/okay/good, to ensure more accurate results

Email Template enhancements

πŸ“ Details

  • Email Templates now autosave

  • Comments and logs functionality have been added

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • Email Templates now have a better user experience, and enable you to be more collaborative

NPS email engagement tracking

πŸ“ Details

  • You can now track click and open rates per NPS campaign

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This opens up possibilities for you to experiment with language, timing and audience of NPS surveys to fine-tune the process and get optimal engagement from End Users

Shortcuts for grouping and filtering in the Data Module

πŸ“ Details

  • Group and filter by right-clicking on a column header and then selecting how you would like to group or filter

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This means you can very quickly and easy do something like:

    • Group Companies by Owner

    • And filter by Phase = Onboarding

    • And filter by Health < 4

Reference private Slack channels from Automations

πŸ“ Details

  • In Automations that "Send a Slack message", this can now be a private Slack channel, when previously this had to be a public Slack channel

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This means you can send a notification to a private team channel, for example

June 2023

Email steps in Workflows - more dynamic sender options

πŸ“ Details

  • Workflow email steps (automated emails) can now be sent from any Company or End User field of type "team member", so not just the Account Owner or Account Co-Owner

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • For example, this could be from the TAM, the Account Executive or the Onboarding Manager

Team (User) list improvements

πŸ“ Details

  • Enhancements have been made to the User list within the Team Module, including adding search functionality

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This makes it easier for you, as a Planhat admin, to manage the Users of your Planhat tenant

Enhanced rich text field usability

πŸ“ Details

  • Rich text fields (distinct from simple text fields) wrap text in cells if the cell contents are wider than the column width, but this historically wasn't entirely practical if there was a lot of text

  • With this update, the number of lines per cell is limited to 3, with a tooltip showing the full text if you put your mouse over the cell

  • You can also use the tooltip to edit the cell contents

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This makes rich text fields (e.g. used for recording notes) display better in the UI of the overall table, while still being easy to edit

Metrics in the Data Module

πŸ“ Details

  • Time-series data (User Activities, Custom Metrics, System Metrics and Calculated Metrics) have moved from the Customer Intelligence Module to the Data Module

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This means you can now organise your metrics like you can with other data in the Data Module - e.g. filters, folders, Grouped View, and so on

  • You can now comment on and react to metrics, for improved collaboration

  • We have also added enhanced rebuild and export functionality

Filtering NPS by End User properties

πŸ“ Details

  • You can now build filters on the NPS model that refer to End User properties

  • This works via a new option added in the filter builder: "End User Id"

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This enables deeper analysis - for example, you can create a filter to view the NPS from Decision Makers

Archived Tasks link to Notes (logged activities)

πŸ“ Details

  • Archived Tasks now include a link to any Note that was logged when completing the Task

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This mainly helps when using Workflows, where you want to look back at completed Tasks and see the associated Notes (logged activities)

Salesforce error notifications

πŸ“ Details

  • Salesforce errors related to the Salesforce integration - both for sending to and fetching from Salesforce - are now displayed in the app, and you can choose to subscribe to related notifications

πŸ˜ƒ Benefits

  • This enables you to be aware of any Salesforce issues promptly so you can diagnose and resolve them

Further reading

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