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Roles & Permissions πŸ”

Everything you need to know about Roles & Permissions in Planhat

Christian Dreyer avatar
Written by Christian Dreyer
Updated over 11 months ago

Here at Planhat, we understand the importance of assigning your team specific roles with the relevant permissions. The "Roles" feature is incredibly powerful and gives you the ability to lock down almost every area of the application!

We're going to discuss everything that you need to know about creating roles and setting permissions. Grab a coffee and let's dive straight in! β˜•

πŸ“Œ Important to note: Currently, the "Roles" feature is only available on the Planhat Enterprise plan.

How to Create a Role

Creating a role in Planhat is quick and easy! Follow these 3 simple steps:

  1. Hover over your avatar which is located in the bottom left corner, click on "Team" and then go to the "Roles" tab.

  2. At the top of the "Roles" page, there's a button named "Add Role", click on that and a form will appear.

  3. Give your role a name and description and then click "Save".

If you would like to rename, clone, or remove a role, click on the ellipsis icon on the right-hand side of the role.

πŸ“£ Pro tip: Cloning: If you click on the ellipsis icon which is located on the right-hand side of your role and select "Clone", it will completely clone all of the role's permissions. This is great if you have two roles that are very similar and you don't want to go through and set all of the permissions again. πŸ˜ƒ

Role Permissions

Once you have created a role the next step is to set the permissions. Click on your role and the permission options will appear on the right-hand side. The permissions are broken down into three sections and I'm going to explain what you can do in each of those sections. Warning: the amount of power and flexibility in the permissions section is mind-blowing. 🀯

1. Portfolio Access

The "Portfolio Access" determines which accounts the user will have access to. There are several options to choose from:

  • Only my portfolio: this will give the user access to accounts where they're the "Owner" or "Co-Owner".

  • Full Access: the user will have access to every account.

  • Team Access: this permission will give the user access to their user's accounts where their users are the "Owner" or "Co-Owner" of the account. The user will need to be the Manager of the Team. If you want to learn more about setting up Teams in Planhat, check out this article πŸ‘.

  • Filter based: create a filter so that your users only have access to a specific set of accounts e.g. only have access to companies in the "Adoption" phase. If you would like to know more about filters, check out this article. πŸ“š

πŸ“£ Pro tip: Extended Groups: If you enable the "Extended Groups" option you will have access to any company in any group. If you haven't heard about "Group Structures" and would like to know more, then check out this article.πŸ‘

2. Data Models Permissions

The "Data Models Permissions" section is incredibly powerful! You get to choose what level of access rights the user has for each data model in Planhat. For each data model, you have the following options:

Simply click on each of the toggle switches to activate or deactivate the permission (blue is on and grey is off).

If for example, you wanted to hide the "End-User" tab on the "Data" module, you would scroll down until you see the "EndUser" data model and turn off the "View". Now, any user with this role won't be able to see the "End-User" tab. Similarly, you can stop users from creating, updating, removing, and exporting end-users by deactivating the relevant permissions. This is just one example, there are lots of data model permissions!πŸ˜„

If you're not sure what a specific permission does, please reach out to support or contact your CSM. πŸ˜ƒ - I have listed several "Data Models Permissions" below and explained what each of them does:

  • Activity: Enable or disable the "User Activities" export on the "Customer Intelligence" module.

  • Activityfail: If this permission is enabled you will be able to view the list of failed activities on the "Customer Intelligence" module > "User Activities" page. If you have failed activities a warning sign will appear at the top of the page which you can click on to view the metrics that have failed to import.

  • Activitytag: This permission gives you the ability to edit and create "Labels" that appear on Activities.

  • Apiaccesslog: This is to do with the "Developer" module API Access Log.

  • Automation: Use this permission to determine if a role can view the "Automation" object. You can also grant the role the ability to do the following:

    • Create new automations

    • View and update specific fields

    • Remove automations and related data

    • Export data

  • Campaign: The "Campaign" permissions give you the ability to: disable or enable the "NPS" module and export option.

  • Churn: Use this permission to determine if a role can view the "Churn" object. You can also grant the role the ability to do the following:

    • Log churn

    • View and update specific fields

    • Remove churn data

    • Export churn data

  • Comment: This is related to comments on tasks and conversations.

  • Company: Use this permission to determine if a role can view the "Companies" object. You can also grant the role the ability to do the following:

    • Create companies

    • View and update specific fields

    • Remove company data

    • Export company data

  • Conversation: Use this permission to determine if a role can view the "Conversations" module. You can also grant the role the ability to do the following:

    • Create conversations

    • View and update specific fields

    • Remove conversation data

    • Export conversation data

  • Customfield: Related to custom fields, enable the ability to update, remove, view, and export custom fields.

  • End User: Use this permission to determine if a role can view the "End Users" object. You can also grant the role the ability to do the following:

    • Create end-users

    • View and update specific fields

    • Remove end-user data

    • Export end-user data

  • Healthprofile: Use this permission to determine if a role can view the health profiles on the "Customer Intelligence" module > "Health Lab". You can also grant the role the ability to do the following:

    • Create health profiles

    • View and update health factors

    • Remove health profiles

    • Export health history

  • Invoice: Use this permission to determine if a role can view the "Invoice" object. You can also grant the role the ability to do the following:

    • Create invoices

    • View and update specific fields

    • Remove invoice data

    • Export invoice data

  • Issue: Use this permission to determine if a role can view the "Issue" object. You can also grant the role the ability to do the following:

    • Create issues

    • View and update specific fields

    • Remove issue data

    • Export issue data

  • Licenses: Use this permission to determine if a role can view the "Licenses" object. You can also grant the role the ability to do the following:

    • Create licenses

    • View and update specific fields

    • Remove license data

    • Export license data

  • NPS: Use this permission to determine if a role can view the "NPS" module and object. You can also grant the role the ability to do the following:

    • Create NPS campaigns

    • View and update specific fields

    • Remove NPS campaigns and related data

    • Export NPS data

  • Opportunity: Use this permission to determine if a role can view the "Opportunities" object. You can also grant the role the ability to do the following:

    • Create opportunities

    • View and update specific fields

    • Remove opportunities and related data

    • Export opportunity data

  • Page: Determine if a role can do the following (and much more):

    • Create pages

    • View and update pages

    • Remove pages

    • Export data from charts

  • Workflow: Use this permission to determine if a role can view the "Workflow" object. You can also grant the role the ability to do the following (under "Modules", enable the "Customer Workflows" permission to be able to view the Workflow Module):

    • Apply existing Workflows to accounts

    • View and update information on Workflows

    • Remove Workflows

    • Export Workflow data

  • Workflow Template: This permission is to do with the Workflow Template, you can give the role the ability to create, view, update, and remove Workflow Templates.

  • Stateslog: This is also referred to as the "Phase". If this permission is enabled then you will be able to access the "Stateslog" object when building charts and graphs. Check out this article for examples where the "Stateslog" is used in a range of different charts.

  • Task: Add the ability for a role to create, view, update, and export task-related data.

  • Team: This is related to the "Teams" page on the "Team" module. Give the role the ability to add users to teams, create, rename, and remove teams.

  • User: Give the role the ability to create, view, update, and export user data. You can also determine which user fields are visible and which fields can be updated.

  • Userrole: This is related to the "Roles" page on the "Team" module. Give the role the ability to add, rename, clone, and remove roles. Also, the ability to enable role permissions.

    πŸ“Œ Important to note: Regardless of the Userrole permission, a user must have the Admin Access Permission enabled in order to be able to change/apply user roles.

Data Model Properties

Directly below some of the data models, you will see the message "+ show 'x' properties". If you click on the message, you will be presented with a list of fields that belong to that data model. For each field you have the options "View" and "Update" so if you don't want your user to view or update specific fields, simply disable those permissions.

3. Workflow Permissions

The "Workflow Permissions" section is made up of two parts:

3.1. Modules

In the "Modules" section you can enable or disable any of the eight modules. For example, if I wanted to disable the "Data" module, I would disable the "Customer Data" permission. Any user with this role would no longer be able to access the "Data" module.

3.2. Features

The "Features" section gives you the ability to enable and disable a wide range of features within Planhat. Here's a non-exhaustive list of features that you might see:

  • Admin Access: access to various system settings across the application.

  • Logs: access to Logs (subject to object-level view permissions, but not to field-level permissions).

  • Customer Portals: the ability to enable the Customer Portal for specific customers and see the link on the company profile.

  • Import: option to upload data in a spreadsheet (model permissions still apply).

  • Manage Tags: ability to create NEW company and end-user tags. Other users can still apply or remove existing tags from their profiles.

  • Outreach: widget to send emails and chat messages (via Intercom) from Planhat.

  • Planhat Support Chat: the ability to contact Planhat Support via our in-app chat.

  • Revenue Forecasting: enables License forecasting fields in the application as well as manual forecast options in the revenue reports.

  • Share Filters: this gives the user the option to share filters with the whole team by making them public.

  • Share Folders: gives the user the option to share the folder with specific users, or the whole team.

  • Metrics in profiles: enables metrics sections of company and end-user profiles.

  • Metrics rebuild: give the user the option to rebuild metrics.

  • User Tracking: usage data can always be sent to Planhat, but if this module is inactive related data such as "user last active" will not be visible in the app.

  • Email sync: Gives the user the option to sync emails.

  • Email on my behalf: with this permission the user can let other team members send emails on their behalf, relevant to shared accounts such as

  • Share pages externally: gives the user the option to share data externally from the Customer Intelligence module.

If you need any assistance or would like to discuss this in more detail please let your Planhat CSM know or contact support.πŸ‘

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