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Managing User Emails
Managing User Emails

How to manage user emails in Planhat (subject to permissions, and conditions)

Christian Dreyer avatar
Written by Christian Dreyer
Updated over a month ago

A Planhat user's email address is used for authentication, and to sync emails into Planhat, among other things. It is a sensitive field, and as such some additional field permissions and restrictions apply.


Managing your own Email Address in Planhat

In order to change your own email address in Planhat, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

  • You have permission to update the user email field (found under model permissions > user model > email system field permission)

    • OR you have permission to "manage all emails" (see more below)

Managing other users' Email Addresses in Planhat

In order to change other users' email addresses in Planhat, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

  • The user whose email you want to change, does not have access to more than one tenant

  • You have permission to "manage all emails" (found under workflow permissions > "manage all emails")

Where to Change Emails

Emails are changed from the User Profile, as outlined in the below images

Notes on Security and Permissions for Email change

  • If you have access to manage roles and permissions, but can not find the "manage all emails" permission, the permission may not be enabled for your tenant. Contact your CSM or Planhat support to inquire about enabling this permission

  • If you need to change the emails of users that have access to other tenants, contact your CSM

  • Notifications: When your email is changed by another user, the following users receive notification emails:

    • The old email

    • The new email

    • All users with "manage all emails" permission, on the tenant in which the email was changed

In Planhat, it is possible for the same user (email address) to have access to multiple tenants. This is the reason for preventing "admin" email changes to users with access to several tenants.

Managing Email when Deleting Users

If you want to change a user's email, to an address already in use by another user, it is important to follow these steps:

  • Scenario:

    • user 1 has email x, want to change it to y

    • user 2 with email y already exists

  1. change email of user 2 to z, then delete/archive the user

  2. change email of user 1 to y

The reason you should change the email of user 2, before potentially archiving or deleting, is that, even when deleting a Planhat user, the email will be stored for a time in our database. That means another user can't be created or updated with the same email address.

When you delete a user in Planhat, you are given the option to reassign a number of things to other users (such as tasks, filters, pages, et.c.). Read more about that in this article.

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