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Actions Module Overview

The Actions module helps you prioritise your time through task management and see your notifications and @messages

Daniel Sternegard avatar
Written by Daniel Sternegard
Updated over 10 months ago

Of the many challenges in Customer Success perhaps the largest is simply deciding how to manage your time. Efficient task management tends to be a constant frustration for CSMs globally.Β 

Planhat's Actions Module solves this by bringing together all key proactive work and event-based notifications:

  1. Notifications (set in the Notifications menu and as part of Triggers / Automations)Β 

  2. Alerts (set as part of Triggers)Β 

  3. @Mentions (any time you are @messaged in Planhat)Β 

  4. Activities (set as part of Workflows, Calendar integrations or scheduled natively in Planhat)

Actions follows the standard UI design with a collapsible left-hand menu bar with sections for Updates and Activities.

Read below for more insight into different types of actions and how to act on them, as well as for some very useful pro tips for all you Planhat champions. πŸ†

A. Tasks and Activities

Tasks in Planhat are core to driving action towards outcomes.

The Actions Page is the place where most users start their day in Planhat, with a clean overview of this day's, week's or month's activities depending on what perspective you want. So it's built to be intuitive and a fast at getting your job done! πŸš€

Shift between two modes:

  1. Calendar view

  2. List view

In both, you have the ability to filter on task owner, company owner, task type, or any other task/company filter you want to build.

In the Calendar view, there are a few neat shortcuts:

  1. Quick-actions for Completion and Note access (for completed tasks)

  2. Bulk actions to update statuses

  3. Toggle Show Someday and Overdue for quick access to specific Task sets

  4. Change between periodical overviews; πŸ‘‘ pro-tip is to combine this with specific company filters to get a month-by-month planning breakdown per segment

  5. Quick-filters for drill-downs and faster prioritizations

  6. Compact Mode for when you have a looooot of things to get an overview of!

πŸš€ Quick tip: head into the "Show" menu in the top right to show overdue tasks!

In the left-hand sidebar, you find:

  1. Shortcut Task Owner filtering for individual and team overviews

  2. Custom filtering of tasks (read more about filters: Using filters in Planhat to go beyond the obvious)

B. Updates

The UPDATES section covers Notifications and Mentions.Β 

Notifications: Automated updates sent to you based on either your personal notification settings or pre-set triggers / automations set to notify you when a specific event occurs.

πŸš€ Quick tip: Click here to see how you can set up your notification preferences to ensure you get alerted of all key events in your customer portfolio.

Mentions: Any time you are @mentioned by your colleague in the main body or the comments section of an Activity or Conversation.Β 

πŸ“£ Pro tip: @Mentions are a great way to collaborate internally around Customers. When logging a note or activity you can @message any Planhat user and they will both be notified and see the @message in the mentions section.

On both pages you will also see a banner telling you of any Alerts you have received. Alerts are are type of Notifications and are used to inform you of changes in customer behaviour.

β€‹πŸš€ Quick tip: Click the bar to see all your Alerts!

Any new Mention, Notification or Alert will make the bell icon in the menu bar change colour to yellow, so you know something has happened.Β 

Both Notifications and Mentions are clickable, where it makes sense. For example, if you are mentioned in a note on an account you can click that Mention to see the full note. From there you can navigate to the account in question if required or mark as read and check off.

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