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How to Export Data from Planhat to Excel
How to Export Data from Planhat to Excel

Learn how to export your data from Planhat to Excel

Christian Dreyer avatar
Written by Christian Dreyer
Updated over 10 months ago

Exporting your data from Planhat to Excel is a quick and simple process! There are several different areas that give you the option to export your data to Excel and we're going to explain how you can export your data from each of them πŸ€“.

πŸ“Œ Important to note: if you don't have permission to export then you won't see any of the export options mentioned in this article. Please discuss this with an administrator in your team, they will be able to give you the necessary permissions.

πŸ“ Export Data From the Data Module

Head over to the Data Module and then click on the object that you want to export data from e.g. Companies, End Users, Workflows. There are several objects to choose from and they all store different data. Here is a list of the data objects available and some of the data that you will find on each of them:

  • Companies: Company name, Phase, Health score, Renewal date, NRR, ARR, Status, Last Touch (date), etc.

  • End Users: Name, Email, Phone, NPS, Tags, Featured, Last Touch (date), etc.

  • Workflows: Company name, Status, Template name, Start Date, Owner, etc.

  • Opportunities: Company name, Status, Sales Stage, ARR, NRR, etc.

  • Licenses: Company name, Product, Start Date, End Date, ARR, NRR, Notice Period, etc.

  • NRR: Company name, Product, Value, Sales Date, etc.

  • Invoices: Company name, Invoice Date, Due Date, Paid status, Date Paid, etc.

  • Churn: Company name, Product, Reasons, ARR Value, etc.

  • Issues: Title, Status, Created date, Source, Description, Source Key, Priority, etc.

There's a lot more data that you can export from the data objects listed above! You can also export data from any custom fields that you have created πŸ€“.

Once you have selected the object that you would like to export data from, select the checkboxes on the rows that you would like to export and then in the top right-hand corner click on the ellipsis icon and select "Export to Excel".

Metrics: You can export data from the following metrics: Calculated Metrics, Custom Metrics, User Activities, etc. To export data from those metrics, you can either export individually by clicking on the burger icon next to the metric title e.g. Custom Metrics, then click on the ellipsis icon which is located in the top right corner and you should see the option to export your data.

You can also do the same as other objects and select a number of metrics you wish to export at a single time!

πŸ’¬ Export Tasks and Conversations

  • Conversations: go to the "Conversations" module, select the conversations that you would like to export, click on the ellipsis icon at the top of the page, and click "Export to Excel".

  • Tasks: go to the "Actions" module, select the tasks that you would like to export, click on the ellipsis icon at the top of the page, and click "Export to Excel".

πŸ“ˆ Export Customer Intelligence Data

There are several different sections in the "Customer Intelligence" module where you can export your data to Excel:

  • Health Lab: click on the "Health Lab" > Select the health profile you wish to export > click on the ellipsis icon next to the "+" icon and select "Export Health History".

  • System Reports: click on the "System Reports" folder and you should see five different reports. Currently, you can only export the "Conversations" report, click on that report > click the ellipsis icon in the top right corner and select "Export to Excel".

  • Pages: pages are located below System Reports. Click on the page that you would like to export data from > click on the pencil/ruler icon in the top right corner > right-click on the element that you want to export and select "Export Data". You will need access to edit the page otherwise the pencil/ruler icon won't be visible and you won't be able to export data from the page.

πŸ“Œ Important to note: Exports that have a lot of data will be sent via email instead of downloading to an Excel file, this will depend on the amount of data you have requested and the time will vary accordingly.

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