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Setting up the LearnUpon integration
Setting up the LearnUpon integration

Automate LearnUpon course enrollment from Planhat, and automatically sync learning progression and completion data from LearnUpon to Planhat

Written by Sanna Westman
Updated over 8 months ago


  • Data you can sync

    • User, enrollment and course information

  • Sync direction

    • Bidirectional

      • Specific data changes to End Users in Planhat can trigger user creation and course enrollment in LearnUpon

      • LearnUpon course enrollments are synced into Planhat as Conversations; progression and completion data syncs to Planhat and updates the Conversations

  • Sync frequency

    • Near instant, through Automations and webhooks

  • Data mapping

    • Planhat End User data is synced to LearnUpon's user model/object

    • LearnUpon Enrollments are saved in Planhat as Conversations with a specific custom Conversation Type (typically "Training")

      • The course enrollment information is stored in conditional custom fields on the Conversation

Who is this article for?

  • Planhat users who are interested in syncing LearnUpon data to Planhat, and/or automatically create or enroll End Users in LearnUpon based on data in Planhat

Article contents


Customer education plays a vital part in modern customer management, and can positively impact NRR as well as the cost of servicing customers. By integrating LearnUpon and Planhat, you'll be able to analyse and take action on learning-related data, which can enhance operational efficiency - driving retention, revenue and advocacy.

Planhat's LearnUpon integration includes data flow both from Planhat to LearnUpon, and from LearnUpon to Planhat:

  • Specific data changes in Planhat (an End User has a particular field value change, or enters a specified filter) automatically trigger user creation and enrollment in LearnUpon

    • This saves you time and delivers training when it matters - no delays

    • Not needing to switch between platforms also reduces the risk of human error

  • Data points from LearnUpon, such as course progress, exam scores and completion times, are automatically pushed to Planhat

    • Once in Planhat, where you have also compiled other types of data (including revenue data, ticket data and usage data, etc.), this learning data can be used in a variety of ways:

      • Use as part of Company Health Scores, or to measure End User engagement

      • Embed customer training as part of your Workflows for onboarding new Companies or End Users

      • Identify any issues (e.g. gaps or slowing) in a customer's learning progress, and automatically react (e.g. by applying a Workflow) to address this

      • Correlate training data with churn and NRR, to understand the impact of training on them, and take action as required

      • Compare learning data with change/trends in tickets etc., enabling you to identify the effect of learning on Support correspondence, and again take necessary action from your insights

      • Identify your "power users" by comparing End User training data against adoption data

The LearnUpon integration is a "light" integration, which does not have its own settings or configuration page. A Planhat Technical Account Manager (TAM) will work with you to confirm your requirements and build the integration.

Synced learning data from LearnUpon, saved as Conversations in Planhat, will look similar to this:

How does the sync work?

The data sync works via Planhat Automations, the LearnUpon API and webhooks.

From Planhat to LearnUpon

  • Specific data changes in Planhat (to a field on the End User model - discuss with your TAM to confirm details) ...

  • ... trigger a Planhat Automation ...

  • ... which then sends updates to the LearnUpon API ...

  • ... to add new users to LearnUpon (if they don't yet exist) and enroll users in the relevant courses

From LearnUpon to Planhat

  • Data changes (related to course enrollments, progress and completion) in LearnUpon ...

  • ... trigger webhooks in LearnUpon ...

  • ... which feed into a Planhat Automation ...

  • ... that creates/updates Conversation records in Planhat (Conversation Type "Training" - or speak to your TAM if you would like to use a different name for your custom Conversation Type)

    • Enrollment progress, including course completion, is sent from LearnUpon to Planhat (updating the Conversation record), allowing you track and report on progress

    • Conditional custom fields on the Conversation model are created as part of the integration setup, to receive the data from LearnUpon; as they are conditional, they only show for the relevant Conversation Type (rather than also emails or tickets etc.)

Setting up the integration

If you would like to sync data between LearnUpon and Planhat, please reach out to your Planhat TAM, and they will work with you to set up the integration.

Planhat uses LearnUpon's basic authentication method for communicating with the LearnUpon API. Access is provided through API keys, which can be generated within the Settings area of your LearnUpon portal if you don't already have saved API key details.

To generate new API keys in LearnUpon:

  1. From the main navigation, go to "Settings" > "Integrations" > "API Keys"

  2. Select "Generate New Keys"

πŸ“Œ Important to note

A LearnUpon portal can only have one active set of API keys at a time. Generating a new set of keys invalidates any existing keys. Be sure to consider any existing integrations you have built prior to generating new keys.

LearnUpon data within Planhat

LearnUpon data (including enrollment, progress and completion) is synced into Planhat as Conversations with the custom Conversation Type "Training" (or a different name if you have agreed this with your TAM).

You can view these Conversation records on Company and End User Profiles. It's easy to apply filters. To see all and only LearnUpon data, just select the relevant "Type".

In the Conversations Module, you can even build more advanced filters based on other fields/properties - for example:

You can comment on Training data in Planhat - e.g. to tag colleagues.

As we discussed earlier in this article, you can take action on LearnUpon data with Automations, Notifications and Workflows - for example, when a course is 100% completed in LearnUpon, this can be synced back into Planhat, update a field on the End User, and trigger a Workflow Sequence that emails to congratulate them and advise next steps.

It's easy to visualise and analyse your learning data within Planhat - for example, plotting enrollments and course completions over time, per End User type, or for your top 10 Companies, etc. This helps you measure the impact of your training (e.g. are Companies with more highly trained End Users more engaged?), as well as identify gaps where changes may be required to increase the numbers of enrollments or completions.

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