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Setting up the Microsoft Teams integration
Setting up the Microsoft Teams integration

Send notifications from Planhat to Microsoft Teams using templated Automations

Written by Chris
Updated over 9 months ago


  • Data you can sync

    • Notifications from Planhat to Microsoft Teams - your choice of message to your choice of channel

  • Sync direction

    • From Planhat to Teams

  • Sync frequency

    • In response to your choice of trigger event (change in customer data)

Who is this article for?

  • Anyone who wants to send notifications from Planhat to Microsoft Teams

Article contents


Sharing customer updates and celebrating successes is an important part of building a customer-centric culture. You can easily configure Planhat to send notifications to Microsoft Teams, to celebrate wins in your team and keep everyone in your company focused on your customers.

Planhat's Microsoft Teams integration lets you push notifications from Planhat to any Teams channel, in response to your choice of trigger event. For example, when a customer moves out of the Onboarding phase, notify the CS Channel in Teams.

How does the sync work?

This makes use of each channel in Microsoft Teams having a dedicated email address. You use a templated Automation in Planhat to send an email to your chosen Teams channel when an event you defined occurs.

You can tailor the message content sent to Teams, and have it reference any data in Planhat, using Planhat's standard Automation capabilities.

Notifications are sent from Planhat as soon as the trigger event occurs. Generally this will be close to real time, but in some cases it may take 5-10 minutes.

Setting up the integration

  1. Go to the Operations Module, ensure the "AUTOMATE" tab is selected, and click the blue "+" button ("Add New Automation") to open the library of templated Automations

  2. Select "Send a Notification" on the left-hand side, then search for "email"

    • You will see a wide range of pre-built templated Automations, corresponding to different scenarios you can use to send email notifications to Teams - for example, "Send an email when an owner is assigned"

    • If none of the templates meet your specific criteria, use one of the "Send an email when a 'Company / End User' 'enters / exits' a filter" templates

      • These allow you to create any scenario using filter logic to trigger the notification - for example, you could send an email notification to Teams when a Company enters the "80% consumption" filter

      • See here for more information on building filters in Planhat

    Click the image below to view it enlarged

  3. Clicking your chosen template will bring up a simple text wizard, where you can easily configure the Automation for your needs

    • Input the email address of the Microsoft Teams channel

      • To find a channel's email address, in Teams, go to the channel name, and select "More options" and then "Get email address"

    • You can choose the subject line of the notification, and also the notification message itself

      • If you want to dynamically reference data in Planhat, type << to see available options in a dropdown

      • To learn more about referencing data in Automations, see here and here

    Click the image below to view it enlarged

  4. Once you've finished configuring your templated Automation (including filling in the grey fields), the "Add Automation" button in the bottom right of the modal will activate and turn blue - click this to save the Automation - and that's it! πŸŽ‰

πŸ“Œ Important to note

Generally, there are no setup steps required in Microsoft Teams, as channels can receive email notifications "out of the box".

As described in the instructions above, to find a channel's email address, in Teams, go to the channel name, and select "More options" and then "Get email address". If no email address is available, contact your Teams admin, as there is an admin setting to switch on/off this functionality.

For further information on email notifications in Teams, please refer to this article in the Teams Help Centre: Send an email to a Channel in Teams.

Troubleshooting the integration

If an expected notification does not sync to Teams, check the "LOGS" tab on the Automation in Planhat. For detailed guidance on troubleshooting Automations, see here.

If you need any further assistance, please reach out to your TAM or CSM, or our Support team.

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