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HubSpot v2 integration: troubleshooting and FAQ
HubSpot v2 integration: troubleshooting and FAQ

Troubleshooting advice to explain why data hasn't synced, plus answers to some questions you might have about the integration

Christian Dreyer avatar
Written by Christian Dreyer
Updated over a week ago


  • The HubSpot integration enables bidirectional sync of CRM data. It's easy to set up, yet flexible, enabling you to tailor the configuration to suit your data

  • If some data isn't syncing as you expected, this article takes you through some simple steps to check your configuration, and helpful tools you can use to better understand your data sync

  • This article also answers various questions you might have about the integration that aren't covered in the main setup article or the deep-dive article

Who is this article for?

  • All Planhat users

  • It's particularly relevant to those setting up the HubSpot v2 integration


This article is part of a series on the HubSpot v2 integration:

Article contents


πŸ“Œ Important to note

This article relates to version 2 (v2) of Planhat's HubSpot integration - the current version.

For information on troubleshooting v1, the legacy version of the HubSpot integration, see here.

When you integrate Planhat and HubSpot, there's a high likelihood that you are syncing high volumes of data. Sometimes, you may have questions as to why some data synced in the way it did, or why it didn't sync at all. This article is here to help.

Here, we guide you through some simple checks you can make and investigative tools at your disposal, and also answers additional questions you may have about the HubSpot integration.

General troubleshooting advice

When you are setting up the HubSpot integration, ensure you follow the instructions here.

If then data doesn't seem to be syncing as you expected, here are some things to check:

  • If nothing is syncing, is the "Enable the HubSpot integration" toggle switch at the top of the integration turned on?

  • If historical records haven't synced in, did you click the "Full Sync" button?

  • If specific data is missing:

    • Is the sync direction correct for that model/object and any relevant field?

    • Have you applied a filter that is preventing specific records from being fetched from or sent to HubSpot?

    • If the missing data is for a specific field, is that field mapped in the integration?

    • If a list/multipicklist field value has not synced, does that field value exist in both Planhat and HubSpot, with the value in Planhat matching the internal (not label) value in HubSpot?

    • If an Owner/User field isn't syncing, does the User exist in HubSpot and Planhat with the same email address?

Query tool

The query tool within the HubSpot integration is a really useful way for you to investigate if data isn't syncing how you expected. It makes it easy for you to look up a specific HubSpot record synced to Planhat, and see the fields and their values. This helps you work out what's going on, if something seems to be wrong.

For example, let's say you notice that updates aren't reaching a Planhat record (e.g. the Tesla Company record), even though you know there have been updates to the record in HubSpot. You could check that record with the query tool, and you might discover that a HubSpot field has a value that doesn't match the permitted options for the Planhat field it's mapped to.

Another use case could be that you personally have access to Planhat but not to HubSpot, so the best way for you to understand what's happening on the HubSpot side, so you can troubleshoot, is using the query tool.

So how do you use it? At the bottom of the HubSpot integration, showing in place of the last model/object sync section (but above the blue "Add New Section" button), you'll see "Query HubSpot". Open this section up to reveal the query tool.

It's super easy to use:

  1. Use the dropdown on the left to select a model/object sync section (e.g. Company to Company)

  2. Enter (paste in) a relevant HubSpot record ID (e.g. of a specific Company) into the right-hand field

    • πŸš€ Tip: You can typically find this in the source ID field in Planhat

  3. Click the blue "Execute" button to run the query

Integration logs

The integration logs are another helpful tool you can use when investigating what's happened in a sync, to identify any potential issues.

Every sync job is shown in the integration logs. You'll find the logs in the top right of the integration:

Clicking "Show Logs" will show something like this:

Each row in the logs can be expanded to show further information. If there are any errors, these are also listed, with additional detail.

Questions and answers

If you've already read through our main HubSpot setup article and our technical deep-dive article, but you still have questions about the HubSpot integration, you've come to the right place! Here we answer some questions you might have.

  • Why is data not being created or updated in Planhat, from Hubspot?

    • This can have many explanations, but below are some possible reasons:

    • Filtering: Some records may not meet your fetching filter criteria

    • Validation errors: Planhat can only accept certain values. E.g. if a Planhat list will only accept "Medium" but the Hubspot field is trying to send us "Med". This won't block the whole record from fetching though, only the particular field.

    • Permissions: Make sure the user that authenticated the Planhat <--> Hubspot integration has the necessary permissions to read Hubspot data!

    • Associations: We use the PRIMARY association from Hubspot, to link the record to a company in Planhat. The first association automatically becomes the primary when you set up Hubspot. If you have multiple associations, you can set in the UI, which one is your primary. If we can't find a PRIMARY association in Hubspot, we can't associate your record with a Planhat company, so the whole record is rejected. This is particularly important to note in case you have deleted the primary record in Hubspot. Hubspot won't automatically make another association the primary. So you will need to mark a different company as your primary association in order for Planhat to fetch the data!

  • Why is data not being created or updated in Hubspot, from Planhat?

    • This can have many explanations, but below are some possible reasons:

    • Filtering: Some records may not meet your sending filter criteria

    • Validation errors: Hubspot can only accept certain values. E.g. if a Hubspot list will only accept "Medium" but the Planhat field is trying to send "Med". This won't block the whole record from being sent though, only the particular field.

    • Permissions: Make sure the user that authenticated the Planhat <--> Hubspot integration has the necessary permissions to read Hubspot data!

  • Is it possible to have some Planhat records (e.g. Licenses or Opportunities) each link to multiple Companies in Planhat - i.e. have Companies share these - to reflect a setup with Partner and Agency Companies in HubSpot?

    • This is not possible - Planhat requires one Company per record, for most models

  • Does the integration support parent/child relationships (group structure) for Companies?

    • This can't currently be synced in from HubSpot to Planhat automatically by the integration, but you can achieve this via Automations - speak to your TAM or CSM, who will be able to give details, and set this up for you if desired

  • What would happen to any ongoing sync if I disconnected and reconnected?

    • Any ongoing sync jobs would be picked up where they left off

  • What would happen to any ongoing sync if I disabled and re-enabled the integration using the toggle?

    • Any ongoing sync jobs would be stopped and deleted

  • Conversation Owners in Planhat are stored in the "Team Members" field, which is an array - how does this sync with single "Owner" or "User" type fields in HubSpot?

    • When syncing this from HubSpot to Planhat, Planhat will replace the whole array with the value received from HubSpot

    • When syncing this from Planhat to HubSpot, Planhat will send the first value in the array to the HubSpot field

  • Are there any HubSpot objects that aren't available in the integration?

    • HubSpot Timeline

    • HubSpot Emails

    • HubSpot Products (because they don't support the associations we require)

    • HubSpot Line Items

      • This is because they don't support a direct association with HubSpot Company, and in the Planhat data structure we would need them each to be directly associated with a Planhat Company

      • However, if you have configured the integration so that Planhat Company is not mapped to HubSpot Company, but instead is mapped to a different HubSpot object that does have a direct association with HubSpot Line Items, then you could sync Line Items to Planhat

  • Why is the name of a HubSpot field in the integration sometimes showing the API name rather than the field label?

    • This is because the integration sends queries to refresh field names, to enable us to map fields you might just have created in HubSpot. While this is happening, the API name is temporarily exposed - this is the "actual" name of the field which we use for sending API requests to HubSpot!

  • Why are records syncing between Planhat and HubSpot even when there wasn't an update to any of the mapped fields?

    • This is because we send data to HubSpot based on there having been any update to that record in Planhat, since the last time that sync section ran a "send"

    • And we fetch data from HubSpot based on there having been any update to that record in HubSpot, since the last time the sync section ran a "fetch"

  • Why won't a Planhat License accept an end date from HubSpot in some circumstances?

    • This could be because the License was created without a value for the end date, (either because the end date wasn't mapped, or the HubSpot field mapped to the Planhat end date didn't have a value), as that would set the Planhat License to be open ended. An open-ended License will only accept an end date if its status is lost

Next steps

If you've read all the documentation and you still need additional guidance, please reach out to our Support team, or your TAM or CSM - we'll be happy to help.

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