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Choosing the right Data Model for a Page or Dashboard
Choosing the right Data Model for a Page or Dashboard

Helping you find the right data when building dashboards

Christian Dreyer avatar
Written by Christian Dreyer
Updated over 11 months ago

When you're adding a widget to your dashboard, you will come across the "Object" picklist on the Data tab. These are data objects in Planhat that will allow you to pull in data into your widgets from different areas of Planhat. With the use of examples, we're going to discuss what each of these data objects are and when you would use them. Let's get started πŸ‘!

We have listed all of the objects that are available in Planhat and with the use of examples I have briefly explained when you would use each of the data objects πŸ‘:


Use the Company data object to display data about your accounts such as:

  • Health Score

  • CSM Score

  • NPS Score

  • ARR

  • MRR

There's much more that you can display, including custom fields and calculated metrics that you've created. For more information on custom fields and calculated metrics, check out these articles:

Example: Nice and easy, we want to display our top 5 accounts based on their ARR. The "Top Chart" is the perfect chart type for this so we'll go ahead and use that. Then we need to connect to the "Company" object so we can pull in the company names and ARR. Last but not least, we have limited our results to '5' so the chart doesn't become too cluttered.

End User

Use the End User data object to display information about your customers such as:

  • When your End Users were last active.

  • The End Users Net Promoter Score.

  • Count of conversations each End User has had.

  • When you were last in contact with your End Users.

There's a lot more that can be displayed, including custom fields that you have created.

Example: We want to display our top 5 users that are having the most conversations. The "Top List" chart type is ideal for this because as the name suggests, it allows us to display a top list πŸ˜„. Then we connect to the "End User" data object so we can pull in data relating to the end user e.g. total conversations. Last but not least, we limit the results to '5' and there we have it, a widget on our dashboard that displays our top 5 end users and how many conversations they have had.


Use the Task data object when you want to display information relating to your tasks in Planhat. Some of the information you can display includes the following:

  • How many tasks each user has.

  • A count of tasks split by the outcome.

  • A count of tasks split by the activity type.

  • You can show how many tasks there are split by the life cycle phase e.g. Onboarding, Renewals etc.

We have provided a few examples but there are countless ways that you can display your task related data in Planhat πŸ˜ƒ.

Example: We're going to display how many tasks each account owner currently has. To do this, we select our chart type, then we connect to the "Task" data object because we need to get a count of the tasks. Then we split the data by account owner.


You would use the Conversation data object when you want to visualise information relating to conversations such as:

  • Count of conversations by label.

  • Count of conversations by team member.

  • Count of conversations by team member and the conversation source e.g. Gmail, Salesforce etc.

Example: We want to see how many conversations each team member has had. We choose our chart type, then we connect to the "Conversation" data object and pull in our conversation counts. Then we split the data by "team member" and admire our lovely widget πŸ˜ƒ.


If you're looking to visualise your churn data then you would use the Churn data object. Here's a few examples of the churn data that you could display on your dashboard:

  • Total value of churn split by product, churn reason, account owner, company name and much more!

  • Top 10 churned accounts.

  • Total churn value.

  • Churn reason and amount split by quarter.

Example: We're going to display the most common reason that our accounts are churning based on their value. For this example we're going to use a radar chart, then we connect to the "Churn" data object and pull in the churn value and reasons.


If you're looking to visualise your sales opportunity data then you will need to use the "Opportunity" data object. Here's a few examples of what Opportunity data you could display on your dashboard:

  • Total MRR split by sales stage, owner and currency.

  • Count of sale opportunities split by sales stage, owner and currency.

  • Display your top opportunities split by opportunity type e.g. Upgrade 1, Upgrade 2 etc.

Example: We're going to display the total value of sale opportunities (MRR) split by account owner. To do this, we choose our chart type, then we pull in the total sales opportunity (MRR) data by connecting to the "Opportunity" data object and then split the data by account owner.


Connect to the "Invoice" data object when you need to pull in any kind of information relating to your invoices in Planhat. Here's a list of some of the information you can pull in from the "Invoice" data object:

  • Invoice Amount Paid

  • Invoice Amount Due

  • Invoice Date

Example: We want to view our all of our overdue invoices split by account owner. To do this we select our chart type, but this time we need to connect to the "Invoice" data object because we need to pull in our invoice data. Then we choose the invoice data we want to display, in this case it's the "Amount Due". For the final touches, we split the data by account owner and limit the results to 5.


Connect to the "License" data object if you're looking to pull in data such as:

  • A count of licenses split by product

  • A count of licenses split by auto-renewal

  • A count of licenses split by currency

That's just a few examples, there's a lot more license data that you can pull in including any custom fields that you have created.

Example: We want to know how many of our licenses are on auto-renewal. To do this, we select a chart type, connect to the "License" data object so we can extract license data and then count the licenses split by "Auto Renewal". In the screenshot below you can see we have a doughnut chart displaying a count of licenses that are on auto-renewal and a count of licenses that are not.

πŸ“Œ Note: Pages and their widgets (charts) don't support Revenue Reporting (that's what the Revenue Module is for!). This is because FX rates and ARR/MRR switching isn't available in these charts. Consequently, if you try to model revenue data (perhaps using an input like "Renewal ARR"), revenue figures will look off, especially when using the license object.


If you're looking to visualise your non recurring revenue data you need to connect to the "NRR" data object. Here's a list of some of the NRR data that you might want to display:

  • Total NRR split by product.

  • Total NRR split by account owner.

  • Total NRR split by phase.

Example: We want to see our total NRR split by account owner. To do this, we select our chart type, then we connect to the "NRR" data object so we can pull in our total NRR amounts and then we split the data by account owner.


Connect to the "NPS" data object if you want to display information such as:

  • Average NPS score split by campaign.

  • Average NPS score split by account owner.

  • A count of accounts split by score type i.e. 6 promoters, 3 passive and 1 detractor.

Have a go for yourself, just like the other data objects there's a lot more data that you can pull in.

Example: I want to display the average NPS score split by campaign. To do this, we select our chart type, then we connect to the "NPS" data object so we can pull in the NPS scores and campaigns. We take the average score and split by "Campaign". The image below shows our finished result! We have a bar chart showing us our average NPS score by campaign.


If you're looking to visualise your Workflow data on your dashboard then you need to connect to the "Workflow" data model. Here's a list of some of the Workflow data that you might want to display on your dashboard:

  • A count of Workflows split by account owner.

  • A count of Workflows that have been archived.

  • A count of Workflows split by their outcome.

  • Average days taken to complete a Workflow.

Example: I would like to display the average time it takes each account owner to onboard. To do this, we select our chart type, then we connect to the "Workflow" data model so we can pull in our Workflow data and then we take the average days split by account owner. For this particular example, we have also filtered on the Workflow "Onboarding" (check out the "Filter" tab).


An example of Phases are the stages in the customer lifecycle. It helps to know how long a customer has been in their current stage, how long on average a customer stays in a stage, and equally how long it takes to move from one stage to another. All of this information can be displayed on a dashboard.

Example: I would like to know on average how long my customers are in each of the lifecycle stages. To do this, once again we select our chart type, connect to the "Phases" data object and take the average days of each lifecycle stage (value).

For more information on Phases check out this article πŸ‘ .

πŸ“Œ Note: Avoid using "Split by" and "Group by" with time-varying inputs like "Phase" or "Stage". Though they'll be split accurately at the moment of creation, as the Phase or Stage status changes over time, they'll become misclassified, deprecating the chart.

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